Jul 26, 2020
Aspiring model and newlywed Caitlyn Weesner shares her story of living with anxiety and panic disorder. Caitlyn tells of anxiety's far reach into her career, her love life, and her personal philosophy with myself providing relatable commentary.
Jul 19, 2020
I join my friend Paulaidan in his home to discuss just what it means to be an artist in this absurd world. Down the rabbit hole and into a world of Paulaidan's own creation, absurdity is abound and inspiration can be drawn from the fringes of reality. We'll also discuss pandemic adaptation strategies and the ambassador...
Jul 12, 2020
I chat remotely with local artist Brett Tachi about her dreams for our fair city and its illustrious art scene. We'll discuss her love for murals and how she circumvents social anxiety to remain a part of Orlando's rich artistic community.
Jul 5, 2020
In Overheard's eleventh installment, I'm joined by Orlando artist Ryan Price to discuss just how the seeds of creation come to reality within his own mind. One such creation, Ryan's own 99ยข Zine, comes at a time where a lack of in person art galleries and showings leaves many artists completely reliant on digital...